The Road to Convey Rational Views

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Entrance Examination Model Question (MBBS, BE, Nursing, Agriculture, Veterinary, BPH, BMLT, BPharm, BTech) 12

[1]                A young girl who is away from her mother and father for the first time often _____. A. miss her B. misses them C. misses her D. miss them
[2]                At that time, houses _____ consisted of two or three rooms. A. were B. usually C. are D. did
[3]                Classes are sometimes _____ Thursday. A. held at B. hold on C. hold at D. held on
[4]                Egypt has more people but Saudi Arabia _____ larger in area. A. is more B. has more C. more D. is
[5]                He _____ a car when he was 16. A. have B. had C. has D. having
[6]                He didn’t usually _____ any tea when he was in America. A. drank B. drunk C. drink D. drinks
[7]                He will _____ medical studies next year. A. finish his B. finishes the C. finish him D. finishes his
[8]                How many car accidents _____ at night? A. happens B. do they happen C. does it happen D. happen
[9]                How many times _____ the biology class meet each week? A. are B. is C. does D. do
[10]            One of the _____ is from Canada. A. English teachers B. teachers English C. English teacher D. teacher English
[11]            Oxygen and hydrogen _____ water. A. compose B. composed of C. are composed of D. is composed of
[12]            Students at school _____ books for their courses. A. given B. give C. are given D. gives
[13]            That teacher _____ at the university since 1990. A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. is taught
[14]            That young man _____ play football. A. never B. not C. is not D. does not
[15]            The homework can be _____ in 90 minutes. A. do B. done C. does D. did
[16]            Those boys look like _____ fathers. A. his B. them C. their D. they
[17]            We have to stop the car and buy some petrol because there _____ in the tank. A. aren’t many B. isn’t much C. aren’t any D. isn’t many
[18]            What color _____ car? A. is you B. your C. you are D. is your
[19]            When the woman was injured, an ambulance _____ to the hospital. A. took her B. takes him C. took him D. takes her

[20]            You must _____ sell that car. A. never B. be C. are D. have

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