The Road to Convey Rational Views

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Zoology, Zoologist, and their Situations in Nepal

k|f0fLzf:q, k|f0fLzf:qL / g]kfndf
logsf] cj:yf

8f= tLy{/fh l3ld/]

-s_ ljifo k|j]z
       k|f0fLzf:q hLjlj1fgsf] Pp6f 7"nf] zfvf xf], h; cGtu{t k|f0fLx?sf] cWoog ul/G5 . 7"nf] dg lnP/ eGg] xf] eg] k|f0fL eGgfn] cfFvfn] b]Vg g;lsg] ;"Id k|f6f]hf]cf b]lv lnP/ xf8 gePsf / xf8 ePsf hGt'–hgfj/ / dflg; ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 . k|f0fLzf:qLx?n] ug{] hgfj/x?sf] cWoogsf] If]q Psbd} km/flsnf] x'G5, h'g c? j}1flgsx?n] sd} ub{5g\ . Toltdfq geO{ x]lNdGy, k|f6f]hf]cf, sL/fx? tyf cGo sf/0fx?n] dfG5] tyf c? hgfj/x?df nfUg] jf ;g{] /f]ux? h:t} dn]l/of, sfnfhf/, emf8fkvfnf, /QmcNktf, 8]Ë', OG;]kmnfOl6;, j]j]l;of]l;;, lynl/of]l;;, df6]/f]u, xfQLkfOn], 5xf/]/f]u, cflbsf] jf/]df k|f0fLzf:qLx? cWoog ub{5g\ . t;y{ pgLx? hgfj/ / dfG5]sf] jf/]df dfq xf]Og, ltgLx?sf] :jf:Yo / ;'/Iffsf] nflu ljleGg pkfox?sf] jf/]df klg cWoog ub{5g\ .

       k|f0fLzf:qsf] If]q ljzfn 5 . k|f0fLzf:qLx? cfkm"nfO{ of] lj1fgsf] h'g;'s} xfFuf jf af6f]df cfˆgf] eljio 8f]xf]¥ofpg ;Sb5g\ . pgLx? lrqdf b]vfPh:t} ;j} pkIf]qsf] cfwf/e"t tyf pRr cWoog ub{5g\ . pgLx?n] k/hLljx?sf] pkzfvfsf] uxg cWoog ul/ ltgLx? lj?4 aRg EoflS;g tyf cf}ifwLx? agfpg] u/L cg';Gwfg ub{5g\ . pgLx? s] s;/L nf]kf]Gd'v hgfj/x? –h:t} Psl;Ë] u}+8f, /]8kf08f_, sL/fx? -e+j/f, df}/L_, df5fx? -dfxflz/ cflb_ nfO{ nf]k x'gaf6 s;/L hf]ufpg ;lsG5, ltgLx?sf] Conservation Management ug{] t/Lsfx?sf] jf/]df cWoog ub{5g\ . ;fy} k|f0fLzf:qLx? dfG5] jf hgfj/x?sf] zf/Ll/s agf]6 b]lv lnP/ pgLx?df kfOg] sf]if, tGt', cË, k|0ffnLsf] dfq xf]Og ltgLx?sf]leq kfOg] ;'IdhLjx?sf] s'g} g s'g} Pp6f zfvfdf jf pkzfvfdf jf ljifodf pRr lzIff xfl;n ug{ ;Sb5g\  / Tolx jf/]df cg';Gwfg ub{] kf]Vt x'g ;Sb5g\ .

-v_ k|f0fL tyf k|f0fLzf:qsf] Oltxf;
       k|f0fLx?sf] Oltxf;sf] kIf x]bf{ ;a} s[lt tyf n]vsx?df ;dfg ljrf/ n]lvPsf 5}gg\ . ldlt pNn]v gu/LPtfklg ;+:s[tsf] ;a} eGbf k'/fgf] k':ts -@))) BC_ /fdfo0fnfO{ dflgG5 . o; k':tsdf dfG5] tyf hgfj/df nfUg] /f]ux?sf] pkrf/ tyf ck|]zg k|ljlwx? pNn]v ul/Psf 5g\ . s'i6/f]u, Ifo/f]u, dfgl;s/f]usf] af/]df 1fg lbOPsf] 5 . To:t} dxfef/t -!$)) BC_ df ufO{, ;k{, e]+8f, afv|f, s's'/, xfQL, 3f]8f / ltgLx?sf] pkof]lutfsf] jf/]df rrf{ 5 . of] cjlwdf ufO{sf] b"w, £o', gf}gL, df]xL / bxL pTkfbg ul/GYof] / lbkfjnLsf] j]nfdf ufO{ k'Hg] rng s[i0f eujfgn] g} rnfPsf] dflgG5 . kl5 df}o{j+z -#@@–@#@ BC_ sf] ;dodf xfQL dfg{]nfO{ d[To'b08 lbOGYof] . o;af6 hgfj/x?sf] dxTj yfx kfpg ;lsG5 .

Figure: Different Branches of Zoological sciences.

       cfo{ ;d"bfosf] k'/fgf] wfld{s k':ts l/uj]bdf hgfj/x?nfO{ ;Dklt dflgGYof] . lbgsf] # rf]6L ufO{ b'x'g], hËn kmfF8]/ ufO{ r/fpg], uf]?nfO{ ;Gtfg pTkfbg ug{] Ifdtf lg:qmLo agfpg] -Castrate_, uf]?nfO{ v]tdf sfd ug{ k|of]u ug{], 3/df s's'/ kfNg], ufO{nfO{ efUo, v'zL, :j:y / cfdf dfGg], ufO{sf] j+z /x];Dd dfgjtf /xG5 eGg] cf:yf /fVg] / hgfj/x?nfO{ hf}, pv' / cfn;sf] t]n v'jfpg] sfd cfo{gn] ub{y] . To;}n] klg To; j]nfsf wfld{s Clifx? jf u'?x? g} klxnf] k|f0fLzf:qL lyP eGg'df cTo'lQm gxf]nf .

       o;}u/L lxGb' wd{leq vf]Hg] xf] eg] ljleGg b]jLb]jtfx?n] hgfj/x?nfO{ cfˆgf] ;xof]uLsf] ?kdf lnGy] eGg] s'/f e]l6G5 . b]jLb]jtfx? cfˆgf] OR5fcg';f/ hgfj/x?df kl/jt{g eO/xGy] . pgLx? hgfj/nfO{ o'4df k|of]u ub{y] . sL/fx? pTkfbg u/]/ ;tLb]jLsf] nfz s'xfPsf] eGg] s'/f :j:yfgLdf cem k9\g kfOG5 .

       lj1fgn] k|f0fLzf:qsf] Oltxf; lgcf]lnlys kl/jt{g ;fy;fy} z'? ePsf] dfGb5 . of] o'u cfh eGbf !),))) jif{ cufl8sf] xf] . of] j]nfdf 3/kfn'jf hgfj/x? kflnGYof] . OlhlK;ogx?n] hgfj/ / lj?jfx?nfO{ Pp6} ;+;f/ dfGby] . logLx? df}/Lkfng ug{], df5fkfng ug{], r/fx?sf] k|hgg u/fOlbg], s's'/, la/fnf] / afFb/x?nfO{ 3/df kfNg] / sltko k|f0fLnfO{ jln ;d]t lbg] ub{y] .

       kl5 lxGb' cfo{'j]bsf n]vsn] xfd|f] z/L/ kGrtTj / ;ft k|sf/sf tGt'x?af6 ag]sf] x'G5 eg]/ jofg u/] . cfo'{j]bdf dfG5] jf hgfj/x?nfO{ gsfl6sg  ck|]zg ug{] k|ljlw pNn]v ub{} hgfj/af6 k|fKt %& j6f cf}iflwx?sf] jf/]df 1fg n]lvof] . wGjGt/Lsf lzio ;':?tf -^)) BC_ n] w]/} gofF k|ljlw k|of]u ul/ pgn] lrlsT;f If]qdf qmflGt g} NofPsf lyP . ;':?tf ;+lxtf, rf/s ;+lxtf, xl/tf ;+lxtf / dT:ok'/f0fdf w]/} k/hLjL tyf ;'Id hLjx?af6 nfUg] /f]ux?sf] jf/]df  1fg lbOPsf] 5 . 

       kl5 s/Lj @))) BC df rLgdf l;Nsjd{sf] v]tL z'? eof] . clg !!)) BC df rLgdf g} k|f0fLzf:qx?sf] ju}rf (Zoological Garden) agfOof,] h;df ;+;f/e/Laf6 df5f, d[u, afv|f / r/fx? NofP/ /flvof] . %^# BC df l;4fy{ uf}tdn] hgfj/x?sf] /f]usf] pkrf/ / ;+/If0fsf] nflu t/Lsfx? atfP . #*$ BC P/L:6f]6nn] Historia Animalium  eGg] k':ts n]v]/ k|f0fLzf:qsf] Oltxf; /r] . pgn] %$) k|hfltsf hgfj/x?sf] jlu{s/0f u/] / slDtdf %) j6fnfO{ lr/kmf/ u/] . Tokl5 klg ljleGg j}1flgsx?n] cf–cfˆgf] t/Lsfn] cWoog cg';Gwfg ub{} k|f0fLzf:qnfO{ cuf8L a9fP. kl5 ;g\ !*%( df rfN;{ 8flj{gn] cfˆg} l;4fGt k|ltkfbg u/]kl5 k|f0fLx?sf] pTkltsf] O{ltxf; vf]Hg w]/} j}1flgsx?n] k|f0fLzf:qdf of]ubfg lbP . clxn] cfP/ k|f0fLx?sf] uxg cWoog ub{} pgLx?sf] jf/]df w]/} s'/f yfxf eO;s]sf] /Iffsf] nflu k|f0fLclwsf/sdL{x? nflu k/]sf 5g\ .

       Oltxf;n] s] b]vfpF5 eg] klxnf klxnf :jcWoog, cjnf]sg / 5nkmnaf6 af6 k|f0fLzf:qLx? k|f0fLsf] jf/]df jf]Ng], n]Vg] ub{y] . t/ lj:tf/} Tof] k|s[of s'g} ljBfno jf ;+:yfdf x'g] u¥of] . pbfx/0fsf] nflu k|f0fLzf:qsf] cWoog ;a}eGbf klxnf ;g\ !*#& df k|fs[lts Oltxf;sf/ k|f]km]z/ ls/Lofsf]; 8f]dfG8f];n] u|fLssf] Py]G; ljZjljBfnodf :yfkgf u/]sf lyP eGg] dflgG5 . To;kl5 of] ljifo o'/f]k, cd]l/sf, Plzof, clk|msf / ci6«]olnofsf ljZjljBfnox?df k9fpg] ul/Psf] xf] . xfn ljZjdf nf]slk|o 6]lnlehg Rofgn, Do'lhod, au}rf (Garden_, kfs,{ /]l8of], kqklqsf, lrl8ofvfgf, lgs'~h cflb hgfj/x?sf] /Iff tyf arfj6 ug{sf]nflu ;+rfngdf NofOPsf 5g\ . logLx?n] ljZjsf] cy{tGqdf lgSs} 7"nf] e"ldsf v]n]sf 5g\ .

-u_ g]kfndf k|f0fLzf:q
       k|f=8f= k"0f{gfy ld>sf cg';f/ g]kfnL k|f0fL hutdf ;aeGbf klxn] vf]hL ug{] j|fog x8\;g -!*@^–!*%*_  / Pkm=8An'=xf]k -!*#!_ sf] cWoog / k|sfzgn] g]kfnsf] k|f0fLzf:q cWoognfO{ lgSs} ;xof]u / k|]/0ff lbPsf] b]lvG5 . To;kl5 klg c+u|]h, k|]mGr, hd{g, hfkfgL, ef/tLo cflb ljz]if1x?n] g]kfnsf] k|f0fLzf:qsf] cWoog / cg';Gwfg s|ddf lgSs]} cle?lr lnO{ ljleGg ;+3, ;+:yf, ljefux?sf ;fy} :jb]zL Pj+ ljb]zL cg';Gwfgstf{n] u/]sf sfo{x?af6 7"nf] of]ubfg ePsf] b]lvG5 .

       g]kfndf lqrGb| sn]h pQ/ dWodf -Post Secondary_ txsf] lj1fg lzIffsf] z'?jft ;g\ !(!( df eof] . kl5 !($& df cfO=P:;L txdf k|f0fLzf:q k|lzIf0f z'? eof] . o;sf] yfnlg k|f= j|fDxLbQ kfG8] -Pd=P:;L=af]6gL_ af6 ePsf] xf] . jLrdf 8f= P;=;L= dh'Dbf/ -d]l8sn clws[t_ af6 klg ;f] sfo{ eO{ ;g\ !($( cS6f]a/df k|f= lzjz+s/ l;+x -Pd=P:;L= h'nf]hL_ sf7df08f}+ cfO{ of] sfddf nflukg{' eof] . ;g\ !(%) df lj=P:;L= txdf o; ljifosf] lzIff lbg yflnPkl5 af]6gL / h'nf]hL ljifox?df 5'§f5'§} ljefux? :yfkgf ul/P . kl5 !(%( df lq=lj=lj=sf] :yfkgf ePkl5 :gftsf]Q/ txdf k|f0fLzf:qsf] cWofkg z'?df # hgf ljBfyL{x? -/fd]Zj/ k|;fb l;+x, /fh]Gb|nfn >]i7 / sdnf >]i7_ ;lxt lqrGb| sn]hsf] k|f0fLzf:qsf] Do'lhod sf]7fdf ;g\ !(^% gf]e]Da/ @* -d+l;/ @@, @)@@ df_ k|f=lzjz+s/ l;+xsf] g]t[Tjdf z'?jft eof] . of] k9fpg] ;d"xdf 8f= ;LkL uf]vf{nL, 8f= cf/ pk|]tL, l6;L dh'k'l/of, k"0f{gfy ld> nufotsf k|fWofksx? x'g'x'GYof] . o;/L :gftsf]Q/ klxnf] jif{ Tolx+ k9fOPtfklg bf];|f] jif{sf ljBfyL{x?nfO{ !(^& df g} sLlt{k'/ l:yt s]d]:6«L Anssf] dflyNnf] tNnfdf /fv]/ k|f0fLzf:q ljefu cGtu{t k7gkf7g eof] . To;kl5 ljefusf] c:YffO{ ejg gf]e]Da/ !(() df aGof] eg] !((* df cfˆg} gofF ejg kfPtfklg ;g\ @))@ df aNn o; ejgdf ljBfyL{x?n] k9g kfP, hxfF n]vs :jo+n] bf];|f] jif{ cWoog u/]sf] lyof] .

       klxnf] Jofrdf # hgf ePklg bf];|f] Jofrdf dx]Gb| axfb'/ lu/Ln] dfq k|f0fLzf:q k9] . t];|f] Jofrdf pdfsfGt /fo ofbj, a;Gt s'df/ yfkf, t]h s'df/ >]i7, /fd axfb'/ v8\sf, ljBf zdf{ cflb lyP . rf}yf] Jofrdf cfgGb zf]ef tfd|fsf/, kGgf zf]ef t'nfw/, /lj ljgf]b zdf{, g/]Gb| /fh zdf{, zf/bf b]lj dxh{g, sflGt axfb'/ sfsL{ cflb lyP . kfFrf} Jofrdf ;'/]z axfb'/ sfsL{, s[i0f rGb| >]i7, hd'gf >]i7, ;'zLnf Gof}kfg] / cfgGb k|;fb k|wfg lyP .

       z'?sf Jofrx?nfO{ sL6lj1fg -Entomology_ dfq} special paper ePtfklg kl5 uP/ dT:ozf:q (Fish & Fisheries) ylkof] . cGTodf Ecology / Parasitology ylkPkl5 dfq k|f0fLzf:q k9g] ljBfyL{x?sf] rfk cToflws x'g uPsf] xf] . lzIff gLltsf] k|of]uzfnf dflgPsf] lqljljn] !(^% df jflif{s k|s[of /f]Hof], !(&# df ;]d]i6/ k|s[of /fHof], !(*^ df km]l/ jflif{s k|0ffnL /fHof] eg] cGTodf @)!# df k'/fg} ;]d]:6/ k|s[of /f]Hof] . k|f0fLzf:q ljefun] klg oxL cg'?k cfkm"nfO{ lzIffk|0ffnL gLltsf] k|of]uzfnf agfpg' kg{] afWotf agfof] .

       k|f0fLzf:qLx?n] g]kfndf 7"nf] of]ubfg lbPsf 5g\ . k|f=8f= lzjz+sf/ l;+x k|f0fLzf:qsf :yfkgfstf{ x'g\ . k|f=8f= k"0f{gfy ld> /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o hg{ndf k|f0fL tyf k/hLjLx? ;DaGwL n]vx? k|sflzt ug{ kf]Vt k|f0fLzf:qL x'g\ . k|f=8f= hLjg >]i7 df5f ;DaGwL :t/Lo k':ts tyf n]vx? n]v]/ g]kfndf dT:ozf:qsf] Oltxf; /Rg ;kmn Ps ;lqmo k|f1 x'g . l6;L dh'k'l/of k|f0fLzf:q tyf cGo ;DalGwt k':tsx? n]v]/ o; ljifonfO{ ljBfyL{dfem k'¥ofpg ;kmn JolQm x'g\ . k|f= 8f= ;'/]z axfb'/ sfsL{ / k|f=8f= s'df/ ;fksf]6f k9fpg] snfdf kf]Vt 5g\ eg] k|f=8f= dbg sf]O/fnf, k|f=8f=pdfsfGt /fo ofbj ;kmn jftfj/0fjLb x'g\ . k|f=8f=t]hs'df/ >]i7 hgfj/x? ;DaGwL :t/Lo / cGt/fi6«Lo :t/sf k':ts n]Vg;Sg] nf]slk|o cg';Gwfgstf{ x'g\, h:n] l8=P;\=;L= ;d]t ul/;s]sf 5g\ . k|f=8f= v8\u a:g]t Osf]nf]hL, EIA / Climate Change ;DaGwL lj1 x'g\ . k|f=8f= gGb axfb'/ l;+x Ethnobiology / Genetics sf kof{ojfrL JolQm x'g\ . 8f= dx]Gb| dxh{g, 8f= bof/fd e';fn, k|]d axfb'/ a'9f nufot ahf/sf c? ælbdfuL k|f0fLzf:qL’’ (Brainy Zoologists) x?n] k|f0fLzf:qsf] If]qdf k|z:t of]ubfgx? lbO/x]sf 5g\ . lbdfuL k|f0fLzf:qL eGgfn] dfWoflds, pRr dfWoflds ljBfno k9fpg], ljZjljBfnosf DofbL lzIfs, Pglhcf], cfO{ PghLcf] tyf k|fOe]6 ;+:yfdf sfd ug{] tyf j]/fhuf/L / g]kfndf ljb]zaf6 kms{]sf k|f0fLzf:qLx?nfO{ hgfpF5 .

-3_ k|f0fLzf:q÷k|ff0fLzf:qLx?sf ;d:ofx?
/fd|f k|f0fLzf:qx?sf] ;b'kof]u ug{ g;Sg'÷glbg'
       o"/f]k, cd]l/sf, hfkfg, ci6«]lnof, Sofg8f, tyf cGo ljsl;t d'n'sx?af6 :gftsf]Q/ / kLPr8L u/]/ s]xL gofF, hf]lznf / sfd ug{ ;Sg] k|f0fLzf:qLx? g]kfn kms{]sf 5g\ . /fd|f] df}sf kfPdf pt} al;;s]sfx? klg kms{g]5g\ . t/ pgLx?k|lt g]kfnsf ;DalGwt lj1x?, ;+3, ;+:yf, ljZjljBfno, k|lti7fg cflb ;s/fTds b]lv+b}gg\  jf x'g rfxFb}gg\ . cGt/fli6«o hg{n jf k':ts k|sflzt ul/;s]sf c+u|]hL jf]Ng] b]zdf uP/ cWoog u/]/ kms{]sfx? ;+u 8/fP/, eljiodf cfˆgf] :t/ / Career k|lt jiff{}+ b]lv cfˆgf] c•f hdfP/ a:g]x? ;hu /xg' / pgLx?nfO{ o:tf ;+3, ;+:yfx?df l5g{ glbg' oyfy{ xf] . csf{] s'/f ljZjljBfno jf ToxfFsf kbflwsf/Lx?sf] If]qLo, hftLo / /fhgLlts efuj08fsf] sf/0fn] ahf/df /x]sf ælbdfuL k|f0fLzf:qLx? nfO{ c;/ k/]sf] s'/fsf] jf/]df klxn] g} w]/} ;dfrf/x? cfO;s]sf]n] of] n]vsn] Totflt/ n]Vg] cfjZostf g7fg]sf] xf] . lsgeg] ljZjljBfno ;]jf cfof]un] kGw|–lj;hgf ;kmn k|lt:klw{sf] kl/0ffd lgsfNbf klg k6s–k6s uNtL eof] eGb} c;kmnnfO{ ;kmn / ;kmnnfO{ c;kmn eGb} k6s–k6s k/L0ffd kl/jt{g ul/lbg] ePsf]n] o:tf] lsl;dsf] 3f]6fnfnfO{ lbdfuL k|f0fLzf:qLx? æk/LIffÆ jf æk|lt:kwf{Æ dfGb}gg\ .

k|f0fLzf:qLnfO{ ;/sf/L hflu/df æz"GoÆ sf]6f
       xfn g]kfn lj1fg tyf k|ljlw k|1fk|lti7fg -gf:6_ / ljZjljBfnox?df k|f0fLzf:qLx?nfO{ hflu/df /flvPsf] b]lvG5 . gf:6df ev{/} dfq} k|f0fLzf:qsf] sfdx? z'?jft ug{ nfluPsf] 5 . eljiodf oxfF k|f0fLzf:qLsf] ;+Vof a9\g ;sg] cfzf ul/Psf] 5, t/ ljZjljBfnoleqsf] ;d:ofx? klxn] g} pNn]v ul/ ;lsPsf] 5 .

       s'g} ;do s[lif ljefu cGtu{t dT:ozf:qLx?n] ;/sf/L sf]6fdf cj;/ kfpFy] . t/ lj:tf/} jg lj1fg, s[lif, jftfj/0f, / dfOqmf]jfof]nf]hL h:tf ljifodf :gftsf]Q/ / lkPr8L ljifosf hgzlQm tof/ x'Fb} uP / lj:tf/} l;08Ls]6 k|s[of ckgfO{ k|f0fLzf:qLx?sf] nflu 9f]sf aGb u/fOof] . To;}ul/ /fli6«o lgs'~h, jGohGt' ljefu, s]Gb|Lo lrl8of3/, aGohGt' c:ktfn, hg:jf:y, e]S6/ sG6«f]n dxfzfvf, aftfj/0f ljefu / k|f0fLzf:q;+u ;DalGwt cGo lgsfox?df k|f0fLzf:qx?sf nflu s'g} pRr txdf :yfO{ sf]6fx? v'Ng ;s]sf 5}gg\ .

       ;g\ @))@–@))# lt/ h';fgsf cWoIf czf]s ad / s]lGb|o k|f0fLzf:q ljefu sLlt{k'/sf k|d'v k|f=8f= t]hs'df/ >]i7sf] g]t[Tjdf ;fdfGo k|zf;g dGqfno, nf]s ;]jf cfof]u / ;jf{]Rr cbfntdf ;d]t :gftsf]Q/ k|f0fLzf:q -dT:ozff:q / sL6lj1fg_ sf ljBfyL{x?n] klg nf]s ;]jf cfof]uaf6 v'n]sf] kbx?df cfj]bg xfNg lsg gkfpg] elg sf]if{ / lzIf0f cjlwsf] jf/]df JofVof ub{} lgj]bg lbOPsf] lyof] . t/ k|f0fLzf:qsf] kf7\oqmdsf] lzIf0f cjlw gk'Ug] / k|fS6Lsn tyf lkmN8 sfo{sf] ef/ sd ePsf] eGb} k|f0fLzf:qLx?nfO{ ;/sf/L hflu/ vfgaf6 alGrt u/fOof] .

of] ;d:of ;fdfwfg ug{sf] nflu k|f0fLzf:q ljifo ;ldlt s]lGb|o k|f0fLzf:q ljefu, k|fs[lts ;+u|fxno / ;DalGwt ;+:yf / JolQmx? s'g} 7f]6 sfd u/]sf] b]lv+b}g . jif{]lg pTkfbg x'g] ;of}+ k|f0fLzf:qLx?nfO{ nf]s;]jf cfof]u dfkm{t sf]6f l;h{gf ug{kl§ pgLx?n] s'g} Wofg, ;f]r, of]hgf / sfo{qmd u/]sf] b]lv+b}g .

k|f0fLzf:qLx?sf] cfˆg} sdhf]/L
       s]xL jif{ cl3 k|f0fLzf:qL tyf afFb/lj1 elgPsfx?n] ægofF cf}ifwLx? Ps}rf]6L dfG5]df k|of]u ug{ gldNg] / dfG5]sf] /f]usf] pkrf/sf] jf/]df cWoog / cg';Gwfg ug{ afFb/ g} rflxG5Æ eGg] dfGotf /fVb} g]kfndf afFb/sf] ;GttL pTkfbg ug{] s]Gb| :yfkgf u/]/ cd]l/sfsf] cg';Gwfg ;+:yfdf afFb/x? n}hfg rfxGy] . t/ kl5 hgfj/ clwsf/sdL{x?n] d'4f g} bfo/ u/]kl5 afFb/ k7fpg nfluPsf] k|s[of t'?Gt} /f]lsPsf] lyof] . o; 36gfsf] ;fy} sltko k|f0fLzf:qLx? g]kfnaf6 hgfj/x?sf] gd"gf ljb]z n}hfg kfpg'k5{ eg]/ eg]tfklg ;bg, cbfnt, / hfg]a'em]sf k|f0fLzf:qLx? o;sf] lj/f]wdf 5g\ . oL sf/0fx?n] ubf{ klg k|f0fLzf:qLx?df Pstf gePsf] xf] .

k|f0fLzf:qLx?sf] Pstfdf sdL
       g]kfnsf k|f0fLzf:qLx? dfWolds :t/sf] ljBfno b]lv :gftsf]Q/ :t/sf] ;Dd / ljleGg u}x|;/sf/L b]lv ;/sf/L sfof{nox?df sfo{/t 5g\ . pgLx?sf] ;+u7g Nepal Zoological Society, NEZOS -g]hf];_ ePtfklg o;sf] jf/]df w]/} cglj1 5g\ . o;n] vf;} ?kdf pNn]vgLo sfd ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . c? ljifosf ;+u7gx?n] j]nfj]nfdf ;]ldgf/, ldl6Ë, js{zk clfb sfo{qmdx? ug{ ;s]sf] / ul//x]sf] t/ g]hf]; eg] k'/} lgbfPsf] cj:yfdf b]lvG5 .  o;sf ;fy} ljZjljBfnodf sfd ug{] k|f0fLzf:qLx? / ltgLx? afx]s ahf/sf lbdfuL k|f0fLzf:qLx?df Ps?ktf gePsf] xf] .

k|f0fLzf:q cg';Gwfgsf] emGeml6nf] cg'dlt k|s[of 
       k|f0fLzf:q Ethical Science leq cfj4 lj1fg xf] . k|f0fLx?sf] cg';Gwfg ug'{ eGbf klxnf ljleGg ;/sf/L ;+3, ;+:yf, ;+u7gaf6 cg'dlt lng'kg{] x'g;S5 . o;f] ugf{n] cg';Gwfgsf] u'0f:t/, ;Totf, dxTj / ljZj;gLotf a9\5 . t/ klg of] k|s[of 9Lnf] eOlbg] jf :jLs[tL kq lng ;xn]vssf] gfd /flvlbg' kg{], yl];;sf]nflu ul/g] df}lvs k|:t'tL ug'{kg{] jf cGo emGeml6nf] k|s[of agfOPsf] eg]/ k|f0fLzf:qLx? lbSs dfGb5g\ .

cg';Gwfgsf] u'0f:t/df x|f;
       g]kfndf a;]/ sfd ul//x]sf k|f0fLzf:qLx?sf] n]vx? cGt/fli6«o / :t/Lo hg{ndf w]/}} g} sd 5g\ . o;sf] d'Vo sf/0fx? :t/Lo k|of]uzfnfsf] sld, yf]/} tnasf] sf/0f cg';Gwfgdf Wofg glbg' / cGoq Doflb sfd ug'{, / cGo sf/0fx?n] leq}af6 sfd÷cg';Gwfg ug{ dg gnfUg' xf] . pd]/sf] sf/0fn] klg sltko k|f0fLzf:qLx? cg';Gwfgdf Wofg lbb}gg\ . To;}n] klg cfˆgf] ljBfyL{n] u/]sf] sfd k|sflzt ubf{ k|fWoksx?n] æ;'k/efOh/Æsf] gftfn] ;xn]vssf] gfd /fVg' afx]s :t/Lo cg';Gwfgdf k|f0fLzf:qLx? k5fl8 g} b]lvG5g\ . ToxL sf/0f / cGo sf/0fx?n] ubf{ k|f0fLzf:q ;DalGwt :tl/o hg{nsf] cefj g]kfndf b]lvG5 . :gftsf]Q/ cWoog/t k|f0fLzf:qsf ljBfyL{x?sf] kxndf ;g\ @))^ df k|f=8f= t]hs'df/ >]i7 k|d'v ePsf] j]nfdf s]lGb|o k|f0fLzf:q ljefun] g]lKnh hg{n ckm h"nf]hL k|sflzt u/]tfklg clxn];Dd yf]/} ef]No"d dfq lgsflnPsf] 5 .

k|f0fLzf:q k|fWofks / ljBfyL{jLrdf xn'sf] ;DaGw
       ;g\ @)!^ df gf:6n] cfof]hgf u/]sf] /fli6«o j}1flgs ;Dd]ngdf n]vs;+u k|f=8f= gGb axfb'/ l;+x e]6 x'Fbf M.Sc. df n]vsnfO{ hDdf Pp6f sIff -n]Sr/_ df dfq k9fPsf l;+xn] æp d}n] k9fPsf] ljBfyL{ xf]Æ eg]/ n]vs / c? j}1flgssf] jLrdf kl/ro u/fPsf lyP . Psk6s n]vssf] e]6 :gftsf]Q/ txdf ! jif{ k'/} k9fpg] k|Wofks;+u eof] / pxfFn] ætkfO{ t d]/f] ljBfyL{ g} xf]Oglg .Æ eg]/ eGbf n]vs bË kg{' :jefljs lyof] . pQm k|fWofkssf] ljrf/df cfkm'n] y]l;; ;'kl/j]If0f ul/g] ljBfyL{ dfq} cfˆgf] ljBfyL{ x'g] /x]5 .

       k|f0fLzf:qLx? eGb5g\ æk|fWofksn] cfkm"n] cfkm"nfO{ dfq agfP, t/ cfˆgf ljBfyL{ agfpg ;s]gg\ .Æ o;sf] d'Vo sf/0f k|fWofksx?n] ljBfyL{x?nfO{ cg';Gwfgsf] sfd nufpg], ef]n'G6/ u/fpg], hft, If]q / /fhgLltsf] cfwf/df Jojxf/ ug{], dg k/]sf / cfˆgf] rs8L ug{]nfO{ hfFrdf a9L c+s ylklbg], cfkm"n] l/km/]G; n]6/ n]v]/ s'g} k|f]h]S6 cfof] eg] cfˆgf] efudf k}zf kg{' kg,{] sfd} gu/]tfklg n]v n]Vbf hg{ndf gfd n]lvlbg'kg{] o'jf k|f0fLzf:qLx? atfpF5g\ . / lo lqmofsnfkx?sf] lj/f]w ubf{ hfFrdf km]n eOG5 eGg] 8/n] r'krfk nfUg] / cfˆg} ljBfyL{x? ;'k/efOh/ jf k|fWofksx?af6 6f9f x'g'kg{] afWotf /x]sf] u'gf;f] ;'lgPsf] el6G5 .

       Oltxf;df k/fk"j{sfnb]lv k|f0fLzf:q cGtu{t cWoog ul/g] 9f8 ePsf / gePsf hgfj/x?nfO{ clt g} dxTj lbO{ logLx? dfG5]sf] ;Eotf ;+u;+u} cleGg cËsf ?kdf /x]sf 5g\ / o; lj1fgsf] cWoogsf] yfnlg Pd=P:;L= af]6gL k9]sf JolQmaf6 ePtfklg clxn] Pd=P:;L= k|f0fLzf:q kf; u/]sf xhf/f}+ ;+Vofdf 5g\ / ;of}+n] lkPrl8 ul/;s]sf 5g\ . pgLx?nfO{ ljZjljBfno tyf cGo ;/sf/L sfof{nox?n] j}1flgs jf ljz]if1sf ?kdf lngsf] nflu ;]jf cfof]u dfkm{t /f]huf/Lsf] l;h{gf ug'{ h?/L 5  . o;sf nflu 7"nf] 5ftL / dxfg 1fg ePsf], k|f0fLzf:qLx?nfO{ dfof ug{] JolQm rflxPsf] 5, h:n] :jf:Yo, s[lif, kz', jg, ;fdfGo k|zf;g / lzIff dGqfno, of]hgf cfof]u, nf]s ;]jf cfof]u, cbfnt, ;bg, ljZjljBfno, u}x|;/sf/L ;+3 ;+:yfx?df uP/ k|f0fLzf:qsf] dxTj a'emfpg]5 / g]kfn tyf ljb]zdf pTkflbt g]kfnL k|f0fLzf:qLx?nfO{ ;/sf/L sf]6fsf] pRr txdf /f]huf/ lbnfpg ;Sg]5 . xf]Og eg] afx| sIffkl5 g]kfndf k|f0fLzf:qsf] cWoog, cWofkg ug{', u/fpg' / o;sf] sf/0fn] dxËf] tl/sfn] pTkflbt j]/f]huf/L / ælbdfuL k|f0fLzf:qLx?Æsf] s'g} sfd x'g]5}g . o; k|f0fLzf:q ljifonfO{ Interdesciplinary tl/sfn] cWoog cWofkg u/fpg] eGg] s'/fdf 5nkmn x'g' h?/L 5 . g]kfnsf ljZjljBfnox?sf] :gfts / :gftsf]Q/sf] cGtu{t k|f0fLzf:qsf sf]if{x? o"/f]k / cd]l/sfsf ljZjljBfnosf sf]if{x? hlQs} jf tL eGbf :t/Lo 5g\ . t/ oL sf]if{x? :t/Lo k|fWofksx?n] k9fPsf 5g\ of 5}gg\, k|fWofksx? cfFkm} ck8]6 ePsf 5g\ of 5}gg\ Tof] ljrf/ ug'{ h?/L 5 . k|f0fLzf:q ljefunfO{ :t/Lo agfpg s'g ljifodf slt 1fg xfl;n u/]sf] k|fWofks rflxG5 eGg] s'/fsf] Plsg ug'{k5{ . To:t} Jojxfl/s lzIf0f k4ltnfO{ s] s;/L /fd|f] agfpg ;lsG5 / s[lif, jg, jftfj/0f h:tf ljifo h:t} jf lt eGbf a9L pkof]uL l;4 agfpg s;/L ;lsG5 eg]/ ldl6Ë, e]nf jf tflnd lbg ;Sg'k5{ . o;sf nflu k|f0fLzf:q / k|f0fLzf:qLnfO{ ;+3} dfof ug{] k|fWofksx? h:t} hLjg >]i7, k"0f{gfy ld>, l6;L dh'k'l/of, t]hs'df/ >]i7, ;'/]z axfb'/ sfsL{, a;Gts'df/ yfkf, dx]Gb| dxh{g, bof/fd e';fn, gGb axfb'/ l;+x tyf cGo a'l4hLjLx?sf] ljrf/, ;xof]u / ;xsfo{ clgjfo{ 5 eGg'df cTo'lQm gxf]nf .

      ld>, k"0f{gffy, g]kfndf lj1fgsf] ljsf; . ;Dkfbs–8f= tLy{ axfb'/ >]i7 . g]kfn /fhsLo k|1f–k|lti7fg, @)#(, k]hM *^–!)$.
      jg, nIdL/d0f, g]kfndf lj1fgsf] ljsf; . ;Dkfbs–8f= tLy{ axfb'/ >]i7 . g]kfn /fhsLo k|1f–k|lti7fg, @)#(, k]hM !)%–!!% .
      hf]zL, b'uf{bQ, g]kfndf lj1fgsf] ljsf; . ;Dkfbs 8f= tLy{ axfb'/ >]i7 . g]kfn /fhsLo k|1f–k|lti7fg, @)#(, k]hM $#–^& .
       Singh, NB. Central Department of Zoology at a glance. In: Golden Jubilee souvenir, CDZ,TU, Nepal, 13 Mangsir 2072 (29 Nov. 2015), page: 19-30.
      l3ld/], lty{/fh . g]kfndf j}1flgs cg';GwfgM ;d:of / ;dfwfg . k|wfg ;DkfbsM 8f= ef]h/fh kGt, :dfl/sf @)&@, g]kfn lj1fg tyf k|ljlw k|1f–k|lti7fg, nlntk'/, k]hM
%@–%& .
      kGt, ef]h/fh . lj1fg, j}1flgs / g}ltstf . k|wfg ;DkfbsM 8f= ef]h/fh kGt, :dfl/sf @)&@, g]kfn lj1fg tyf k|ljlw k|1f–k|lti7fg, nlntk'/ . k]hM !(– @! .
      cfrfo{ k'ik/fh . g]kfndf k|f0fLzf:q cg';Gwfgsf r'gf}tLx? / gf:6sf] e"ldsf . k|wfg ;DkfbsM 8f= ef]h/fh kGt  :dfl/sf @)&@, g]kfn lj1fg tyf k|ljlw k|1f–k|lti7fg, nlntk'/ . k]hM %*–^@ .
       Novacek, Michael J. (8 November 2014). "Prehistory's Brilliant Future". The New York Times. New York: The New York Times Company. 
       Mora, Camilo; Tittensor, Derek P.; Adl, Sina; et al. (2011). "How Many Species Are There on Earth and in the Ocean?". PLOS Biology. San Francisco, CA: PLOS. 9 (8): e1001127.  (NEPAL NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2014-2020). (Accessed on 10 October, 2016). on 10 October, 2016). (Accessed on 10 October, 2016). (Accessed on 10 October, 2016). (Accessed on 10 October, 2016). (Accessed on 10 October, 2016). (Accessed on 10 October, 2016). (Accessed on 10 October, 2016).

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Scientific Investigations in Nepal: Problem and Preclusion

Scientific Investigations in Nepal: Problem and Preclusion* 

Dr. Tirth Raj Ghimire
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology

When I returned to my country after PhD graduation from the Scotland, I felt that I was in a dark place due to extreme political disturbances. I think Nepal has various problems related to scientific investigations. They are: weaknesses in government plan, political appointment in high profile scientific jobs, lack of opportunities for the scientists, personal causes/problems of investigators, generation gap between old scientists/professors and young scientists, lack of qualitative scientific research, problems faced by scientists in various private and government offices, and lack of theoretical and practical knowledge to old professors and scientists. The value of science, education, and scientists have been ignored in Nepal by the high profile political leaders who sometimes advocate that education is not necessary for the politicians. The politicians with zero knowledge of science and technology in this country has ruled the people and degraded the quality of investigations. In summary, there should not be political appointment, generation gap, and selection of ministers, vice chancellors, secretary, professors, rectors, principals, dean, and other professions, but they must be selected on the basis of scientific works, thoughts, principles, and plans.
* This article (except Abstract) is adapted from already published article at the author's affiliated institute. While citing please follow this pattern: Ghimire TR. Scientific Investigations in Nepal: Problems and Preclusion. In: Souvenir 2072 NAST. Published by NAST Free Staffs Union, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. Chief Editor: Dr. Bhojraj Panta. Year:4; Number:3; December 6th 2015. Page: 52-57. 
  For Full Text, Please Open this file

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

How to earn money online and offline

Main ways to earn money online and offline

It is highly accepted that earning money is necessary to supply the demands of your life and your family. Your girlfriends or mum or friends or dad are thinking of you with full of pockets, not with penny but with thousands of dollars. Though it is not possible for you to make money through fast track due to your education and common senses, there are several ideas how to make money online and offline.
Making money means earning it through your own hard works. It is crucial when you are unemployed. Be faithful to yourself. Be truth to yourself. Believe on yourself. Give your time on your lappy or mobile. Do not spend on your social media unless it teaches you how to earn money. Few ideas are given here:

1. Online surveys
There are popular online surveys that will pay you nicely. You can fill the form and log in and then give answers to the surveys.
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2. Web searching and get paid
You can very easily earn money by this method. Few websites such as will reward you for searching in Google, Bing or Yahoo. You should install add-on to your browser. When you search any item there may be a few sponsored come in your normal search. You can send the income at Paypal account or can donate it to the charity.

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3. Review websites and apps
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8. Get money by reviewing the music
You can listen to the music. Dance along it and rate it. You can easily get money. Just sign up and review in these types of websites such as google as Slicethepie.

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10. Sell your old books
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Understanding the five WH questions of Linkage

Understanding the five WH questions of Linkage
Dr. Tirth Raj Ghimire
Faculty of Science, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. Email:    

“ is necessary, especially at the secondary level, to give an accurate view of science, not an oversimplification. To present the good sides of science, and the less glorious ones. To give a fair report of history, not a childish or idealistic view. To show that scientific truth is not the ultimate truth, but one way of seeing things amongst others. To be a bit less assertive in our teaching… and more open-minded to the reality of science today and in the past, could lead us to being much more efficient”[1].

Background of this paper
            I was listening to the lecture given by my one of the best teachers, late Mr. Bhagwan Ghimire about cell division. He was introducing meiosis cell division[2] and elaborating how gametes of diverse characters are produced after crossing-over[3] in meiosis. At the same time, I was curious to know what would happen if there were the absence of crossing-over. To my curiosity, Mr. Ghimire replied that genes would be stayed together and would be carried in the gametes without change. He added that it would be called linkage and it would result in the transmission of characters that is carried by gametes containing genes from either father or mother.
            I did not understand what Mr. Ghimire meant for linkage. I again asked him why the genes do not undergo crossing-over. He replied that he would prefer to get me read the five WH questions (what is linkage and why, where, when and how does linkage occur?) after I went to the university. He added that after I study the history of Mendel[4], Bateson[5] and Morgan[6], I would have had the substantial knowledge of linkage and crossing-over. Unfortunately, he was overwhelmed by the Narayani River after a few days, when he went to swim in a sunny day. He never returned but his saying about the concept of absence of crossing-over hugely stroked my scientific mind.  Therefore, I consulted the modern-day scientists and their literatures related to the Three Scientists to understand about the five WH questions. In my view, Mr. Ghimire is one of the rarest teachers in my secondary and higher secondary level where I got an accurate idea of science as stated in the meeting in 2001 when Heudier discussed the role of history and philosophy in physics education in Europe.
What is linkage and when, why, where and how does it occur?
            Linkage is the tendency of a pair of contrasting characters or genes[7](allele[8]) to be inherited together during meiosis cell division. This is in contrast to the principle of the Law of Independent Assortment discovered by Mendel after his studies in pea plants (Pisum sativum). This principle states that different genes independently separate from one another during the development of gametes (spermatogenesis[9] or oogenesis[10]). Mendel founded this principle because the combinations of traits or characters in the offspring of his crosses did not always match the combinations of traits in the parental organisms. So, the main feature of this law is crossing-over or recombination that occurs during meiosis. Notably, recombination occurs in two phases:  firstly, breakage of DNA[11] takes place. Breakage secures the independent separation of genes from each other. Secondly, the broken parts of maternal and paternal DNA (genes) are recombined to produce new combinations of genes[12]. As a result, gametes get new combinations of characters from the offspring. However, in some situations like in linkage, recombination either partly is taken place or is completely absent. So, linkage occurs during gametogenesis allowing inheritance of linked genes.  
            Linkage occurs because of the nearly located genes (linked genes) and the absence of crossing-over of chromosomes. We know that as a result of recombination, the production of new combination of various genes (characters) will be secured in the reproductive cells (sperms or ova) in an individual; remarkably, the characters will be different from his/her father and mother. In contrast, if a gamete is produced without recombination in an individual, the gamete may carry either of his/her mother’s or father’s genes. This may occur when genes are located very close to one another on the same chromosome and these genes fail to undergo crossing-over and recombination. This situation is called linkage in which the law of independent assortment is not followed by these genes.  
Who found linkage?
“Bateson, Punnett and Edith Saunders around 1906, when making crossing experiments with sweetpeas, realised that some characters were inherited together, in disagreement with Mendel’s principle of independent segregation (Bateson, Saunders & Punnett 1906). At the outset they only described the phenomenon, without trying to explain it, and they called it coupling. In 1911 they tried to explain it through a special cell division process (reduplication hypothesis). This hypothesis was independent of the chromosome hypothesis. The same phenomenon was later called linkage by Morgan and his associates[13].” 
            In 1905, William Bateson, Edith Rebecca Saunders[14], and Reginald Punnett[15] conducted an experiment that involved the dihybrid crosses in a fashion similar to that carried out by Mendel. The contrasting characters in homozygous[16] sweetpea plants (Lathyrus odoratus) were Purple Flowers and Long Pollen grains versus red flowers and round pollen grains. They had already noted that Purple Flowers (P) were dominant[17] over Red flowers (p), and that Long Pollen grains (L) were dominant over Round pollen grains (l). Notably, they found the heterozygous plants (PpLl) that had Purple Flowers and Long Pollen grains in F1 generation[18]. They again crossed the F1 plants with each other (between homozygous pea plants with Purple Flowers and Long Pollen grains and homozygous pea plants with Red Flowers and Round Pollen grains). However, they got the ratio 14:1:1:3.5 (1528 plants with Purple Flowers and Long Pollen grains, 106 Purple Flowers  and Round Pollen grains, 117 Red Flowers and Long Pollen grains and 381 Red Flowers and Round Pollen grains in a fashion different from those obtained by Mendelian Dihybrid Cross[19] (9: 3: 3: 1). In another part, following test-cross[20], they observed 7:1:1:7 ratio in F2 generation instead of Mendelian Test Cross Ratio (1:1:1:1) in coupling[21]phase (See FIGURE 1). In the same way, when two such dominant alleles or two recessive alleles came from different parents, they tended to remain separate in repulsion[22] phase (See FIGURE 1) with the ratio of 1:7:7:1 instead of Mendelian Test Cross Ratio. Observing these results, they could not explain this difference on the basis of chance alone. As they got high frequency of parental phenotypes[23], they thought that it would be due to a coupling or connection between the dominant alleles P and L and between the recessive alleles p and l. They couldn’t interpret their results in terms of the behavior of genes located on the same chromosome. This concept of why certain alleles are coupled or linked was further explained by Thomas Hunt (TH) Morgan. 

FIGURE 1: Coupling and repulsion principles.

TH Morgan firstly explained the relation of linkage to the segregation of homologous chromosomes and the occurrence of crossing-over between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. In 1911, this explanation of linkagewas published in a paper containing his results of crosses involving linked genes in the fruit fly Drosophila. Notably, he and others like Bridges[24], Muller[25], and Sturtevant[26] are credited for most of the current theories of linkage, crossing-over and chromosome mapping. They explained that the coupling and repulsion jointly constitutes a larger phenomenon called linkage. Their experiments suggested that genes were real objects, could be inherited, undergo recombination and could be mapped to specific locations on chromosomes. Consequently, Punnet explained linkage groups in his previous plants (sweetpea) in 1923 and 1927. Finally, Morgan and Sturtevant detailed gene location and gene mapping by conducting various experiments.
            The story of how TH Morgan discovered linkage is interesting. In 1910, he used various environmental and nutritional factors such as heat, cold, X-rays, acids, bases, sugars and other chemicals and discovered a single white fruitfly,Drosophila melanogaster. He crossed White-eyed Male Fly to its Red-eyed sisters. Interestingly, when Morgan later inbred the heterozygous F1 Red-eyed flies, the traits of the F2 progeny did not assort independently. This was because Morgan observed 2,459 Red-eyed Females, 1,011 Red-eyed Males, 782 White-eyed Males, 0 White-eyed Female instead of 1:1:1:1 ratio. He again conducted another cross between the original White-eyed Male Fly and F1 Females and observed 129 Red-eyed Females, 132 Red-eyed Males, 88 White-eyed Females and 86 White-eyed Males. These results led him to analyze that the eye-Color was related to the sex factor and hypothesized that the two traits were linked together. Notably, in Drosophila, the Gray body Color (B) is dominant over Black (b) and Long wings (V) over Vestigial wings (v). Morgan (1910) crossed a Gray-Vestigial Male (BBvv) with a Black-Long Female (bbVV), and obtained Gray-Long (BbVv) offspring in F1 generation. When F1 Males (BbVv) were test crossed with Black-Vestigial Female (bbvv), only two types of F2 offspring appeared, i.e., Black-Long (bbVv) and Gray-Vestigial (Bbvv) indicating complete linkage in Drosophila males. In the same way, when the F1 Female Fly was test crossed with a Black-Vestigial Male, the F2 offspring appeared in the phenotypic ratio of 8.5% Gray-Long, 41.5% Gray-Vestigial, 41.5% Black-Long and 8.5% Black-Vestigial, i.e., the parental combinations were 83% and recombination only 17%. Again, Black-Long was crossed with Gray-Vestigial individuals, F1 (Gray-Long) was test crossed, the F2 ratio was 41.5% Black-Long, 41.5% Gray-Vestigial, 8.5% Gray-Long, 8.5% Black-Vestigial, i.e., the parental combinations were 83% and recombination was 17% indicating incomplete linkage in these cases.
            Another example of incomplete linkage comes from the work of CB Hutchinson (1922) who took the maize of two characteristics, Colored Aleurone (C) or Colorless Aleurone (c) and Full Endosperm (S) or Shrunken Endosperm (s). In coupling phase, he crossed a dominant homozygous Colored Full (CCSS) with a recessive Colorless-Shrunken (ccss) plant. The F1 plant produced Colored-Full grains (CcSs). On test crossing with F1 (Colored-Full grains, CcSs), the F2 offspring were produced as parental combinations: 4032 CcSs and 4035 ccss and recombinations: 149 Ccss and 152 ccSs. This gave the ratio of the parental combinations and recombinations in 96.4% and 3.6% pattern despite the Mendelian test cross ratio of 25%:25%:25%:25%. In the second phase (repulsion phase), he crossed ccSS with CCss and obtained Colored-Full (CcSs) offspring in F1 generation. Test crossing with F1, he obtained F2 offspring as parental combination 97.06% (21379 CcSs and 21906 ccSs) and recombinations 2.94% (638 CcSs and 672 ccss) proving the occurrence of incomplete linkage.  
What are the historical examples of linkage experiments?
            Various literatures show scientists have already discovered incompletelinkage. For example, Bateson, Saunders and Punnet (1906) reported 7:1:1:7 in sweetpea after crossing plant between Blue Factor[27] and Long Pollen and Red Color and Round Pollen. Similarly, these groups in 1908 reported 15:1:1:15 ratio in the same plants. In the same year, they reported the same ratio as 15:1:1:15 in the sweetpea (Dark Axil and Fertility vs Light Axil and Sterility). In 1911, de Vilmorin and Bateson crossed pea plants (Tendril and Round Seed with plants no Tendril or Acacia type and Wrinkled Seed) and found a ratio of 63:1:1:63. Gregory in 1911 reported 7:1:1:7 ratio in the plants (Magenta Color and Short Style with the Red Color and Long Style). Bateson and Punnet in 1911 reported the ratio of 127:1:1:127 after crossing the sweetpea (Blue Factor and Erect Standard with the Red Color and Hooded Standard). There are several examples of these types of gametic coupling in literatures. In the same way, Bateson, and Punnet in 1911 found 1:3:3:1 ratio while crossing between sweetpea (Normal Flower and Fertility with the ‘Cretin’ type and Sterility). Both scientists also reported 1:7:7:1 ratio after crossing between the plants with Blue Factor and Long Pollen and Red Color and Round Pollen. 
            Several scientists reported the complete linkage in plants and animals. For example, Emerson in 1911 reported this phenomenon in maize (Dark Purple Husks and Purplish Pericarp vs White Husks and Colorless Pericarp or Red Cob and Red Pericarp vs White Cob and Colorless Pericarp).  Bateson and Punnet in 1911 reported this phenomenon in sweetpea (Dark Axil and Fertility vs Light Axil and Sterility). Bateson, Saunders and Punnet in 1908 reported complete or very high intensity in sweet pea (Erect Standard and Blue Factor vs Hooded Standard and Red Color). Baur in 1912 reported complete linkage in Aquilegia(Variegated Green leaf and Homogenously Green leaf vs Absence of ‘Variegate’ Factor and Absence of Homogeneously Green Factor, i.e., ‘Chlorina’ Color). Correns in 1912 also reported this phenomenon in Silene Armeria (Rich Pigment and Saturator and Less Pigment and Absence of Saturator). Raynor and Doncaster in 1906 and Doncaster in 1908 reported the similar phenomenon inAbraxas (Currant Moth) (Femaleness and ‘Grossulariata’ factor vs Maleness and LactiColor Character).
How do you calculate linkage map distance?
            One linkage map unit (LMU or linkage map distance) is defined as 1% recombination (% recombination between genes) or recombinant gametes or phenotypes. It means a map unit is equivalent to the physical distance along a chromosome that will experience 1 crossover event in every 50 meiotic divisions. In this context, 1 crossover in 50 meiotic divisions is equal to 2 recombinant gametes in every 200. This is equal to 1% recombination. Therefore, two genes that recombine with a frequency of 1% are said to be 1 map unit apart. One map unit is also called as one centimorgan (cM) (1cM = 1 megabase (Mb) = one million nucleotides).
            To calculate the distance between any two genes, the number of recombinant gametes is divided by the total number of gametes. These are just estimates and the difference between the two estimates reflects random deviation. Notably, these estimates are not incorrect, as accuracy depends on the replicates and huge data. However, LMU do not correspond to any fixed length of chromosome. Firstly, frequency of crossover and recombination can be affected by location. This is because crossing-over is inhibited near the centromere and immediate to the point of another cross-over. Secondly, double cross-overs are usually missed because the number of recombination events is always underestimated.  
            Let’s consider an example how to calculate the distance between any two linked genes, for example the genes that determine Color (C) and Endosperm (S) by the help of Hutchinson’s experiment in maize. In the coupling experiment,
Total offspring = 4032+4035+149+152= 8368.
Total recombinant = 149+152= 301.


            Interestingly, scientists believe that non-crossovers (linkage) vary from 50% to 100%. 100% non-crossovers (complete linkage, Recombination Frequency=0) is a state where no crossing-over takes place as observed in maleDrosophila. In the same way, the cross-over ranges from 0 to 50% (Recombination Frequency=0.5) but never exceeds 50%. These values are true when genes are on different chromosomes or genes are separated very far apart on the same chromosome. A recombination frequency of 0.5 indicates that 50% of offspring are recombinants and the other 50% are parental types. So, every type of allele combination is represented with equal frequency.
What is the significance of linkage?
            Firstly, linkage holds the parental characters together. Secondly, it restricts the appearance of new recombination or new characters. Thirdly, marker genes such as Number of flowers, Weight of seeds, Lint Length that are linked to some quantitative characters are economically important for plant breeders. For example, the Corolla Color is marker for lint index in cotton. The grain Color is marker for the yield of rice.
Acknowledgement: I acknowledge late Mr. Bhagwan Ghimire for his well discussion about the mechanisms of crossing-over and meiotic events in the eukaryotic cells during my schooling (grade 9). I am grateful to various scientists around the globe for the discussion of the linkage phenomenon and various online materials referred in this text (Accessed on 1st October 2013).


[1] Heudier, J.-L.: 2001, ‘The role of history and philosophy in Physics Education’, in H. Wilson and B. Warmbein (eds.), Physics on Stage. Full Proceedings 2000. European Space Division, Noordwijk, 22-23.
[2] A type of cell division in which a diploid (two set of chromosome) cell divides into four haploid (one set of chromosome) cell.
[3] An exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosome.
[4] Gregor Johann Mendel (July 1822– January 1884), a German-speaking Austrain scientist, was the Founder of the modern Genetics. He discovered the laws of inheritance.
[5] William Bateson (August 8, 1861–February 8, 1926), a British Geneticist and a Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge was the first person to use the term genetics to describe the study of heredity and biological inheritance.
[6] Thomas Hunt Morgan (September 25, 1866 – December 4, 1945) was an American Evolutionary Biologist, Geneticist and Embryologist. He was awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933 because he explained the role of chromosomes in heredity.
[7] A unit of genetic information that occupies a specific position on a chromosome and comes in multiple versions called alleles.
[8] One alternative of a pair or group of genes that could occupy a specific position on a chromosome.
[9] The development of male gamete (sperm)
[10] The development of female gamete (ovum).
[11] Deoxyribonucleic acid; the molecule in which genetic information is encoded or written.
[12] Gene is a unit of genetic information that is present in a specific position on a DNA in higher organisms like from protista to mammalia kingdom or monera to Angiospermiae kingdom or DNA or RNA in lower organisms like viruses.
[13] Martins, L. A.-C. P.: 1997, A Teoria Cromossômica da Herança, Proposta, Fundamentação, Crítica e Aceitação, Unicamp, Campinas, Ph.D. thesis.
[14]  Edith Rebecca Saunders (1865–1945), a British Geneticist and Plant Anatomist and a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society, rediscovered Mendel’s laws of heredity.
[15] Professor Reginald Crundall Punnett (June 1875–January 1967), a British Geneticist and Professor  of Biology at Cambridge, created the Punneett Square and wrote ‘Mendelism’, the first popular textbook on genetics.
[16] With a genotype with two of the same alleles for a trait or character.
[17] An allele that masks a recessive trait and may produce the same the same phenotypic effect whether it is inherited as heterozygous or homozygous.
[18] The first offspring generation or the first filial generation of seeds or plants or animal offspring resulting from the cross mating of distinctly different parental types.
[19] Dihybrid cross involves the inheritance of two types of traits of an organisms. This theory was invented by Mendel to determine if different traits of pea plants, for example, the flower Color and seed shape were inherited independently.
[20] The test-cross shows how traits are inherited when the offspring of the testcross shows a certain phenotype. If the offspring shows the recessive trait, it indicates the heterozygous parent (F1). If the offspring are all dominant, then it indicates the  homozygous F1. Test cross is also used to calculate the ratio between non-crossover and crossover.  
[21] When the two dominant genes are present on the chromosome and their recessive alleles on the other chromosome of the homologous pair, the linkage relationship is called coupling.
[22] When one dominant and one recessive allele are present on each chromosome of the homologous pair, the linkage relationship is called repulsion.
[23] The physical or observable characteristics of an organism.
[24]Calvin Blackman Bridges (January 1889 – December 1938), an American geneticist, was one of the scientists of the Fly Room of TH Morgan at Columbia University and wrote the Ph.D. thesis on “Non-disjunction as proof of the chromosome theory of heredity.” 
[25] Hermann Joseph Muller (HJ Muller) (December 21, 1890 – April 5, 1967) was an American Geneticist, educator and Noble Prize laureate who got this award in 1946 for the production of mutations by means of X-rays.
[26] Alfred Henry Sturtevant (November 1891 – April 1970), an American Geneticist constructed the first genetic map of a chromosome in 1913 and worked on Drosophila melanogaster with TH Morgan.
[27] Blue factor means the Color of flower is purple.

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